Saturday, October 20, 2007

Yamlight: Fred Thompson

Speaking of actors running for President... Fred Thompson is also taking a shot at the race. Fred is a Republican who served in the Senate from 1994 to 2002. He is Pro-life, thinks states should determine the legality of gay marrige, doesn't think humans are to blame for global warming, and supports the right to bear arms. I hear he makes a great District Attorney and has a strong sense of Law and Order.

Freddy declared that he was running for President on the Tonight Show. Now don't get me wrong, Thompson isn't exactly some ballsy actor who randomly decided to get into politics. Thompson was in the Senate for about 8 years, so he has plenty of experience when it comes to making laws and representing the country. In fact, I'm willing to bet that one of the reasons he is such a good portayer of a District Attorney is his experience in government.

Fred also happens to be a Republican. However, he isn't one of those wishy washy Conservatives that vote Liberally on a lot of things. Freddy has an 86.1% rating with the American Conservative Union. That's a pretty high percentage, at least in my opinion, which goes to show that Fred Thompson isn't easily swayed from his convictions. Thompson is also known for not being afraid of voting against the crowd, as he has voted more than one against a 99-0 vote, making it 99-Fred Thompson vote.

I don't like a decent amount of Fred Thompson's positions about how we should run the country; such as his opposition of Roe vs. Wade, his opinion that global warming isn't a product of humanity, and his support of the invasion of Iraq. He also has some positions I'm unsure about, such as allowing states to decide if gay marrige should be allowed and the right to bare arms. However, I do respect him as a person, as he knows what he believes in, and isn't easily convinced otherwise. Overall, I wouldn't be greatly upset if Freddy took up residence in the White House, but I wouldn't vote for him. I'd rather watch him on NBC, not CNN.

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