Thursday, October 11, 2007

Mike Pence fights back against the Fairness Doctrine

With the current attacks being brought forth on Rush Limbaugh, the Democrats are attempting to bring back the Fairness Doctrine to limit talk radio from freely expressing their views. For those of you who don't know what the Fairness Doctrine is, it is basically a law that requires radio programs who discuss controversial political issues to present both sides of an argument, rather than only having the host advocate his or her opinions. Here is a video of Mike Pence, the radio host-turned-Congressman on his view of why the Fairness Doctrine should not be passed back into law.

This effort by the Democrats is merely a last stitch effort to gain a little bit of power over the millions of radio-listening citizens of America. I completely agree with Congressman Pence that this would not even be an issue if the Democrats had a talk show host that people wanted to listen to. They just aren't out there. The Democrats already have a near-monopoly on television networks (other than Fox News), but that just doesn't satisfy them. They want control over all media outlets, so their propaganda will be heard by all. Well, newsflash: We don't want to hear it.

This also is clearly a violation of the US Constitution. There is a little clause in the First Amendment protecting the freedom of the press. I don't know about you, but I take that as meaning that the government isn't allowed to tell the media outlets what they can and cannot say (other than profanity). Again, Congress is wasting taxpayer dollars by taking time to argue over a bill that is clearly unconstitutional, and was only written to try to censor a Republican talk show host from saying what the majority of Americans want to hear.

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