Saturday, October 27, 2007


Although I never got around to posting last week that didn’t mean that I wasn’t on top of recent news (my home page is cnn). That being said I saw an article on a catholic priest who was accused of being a homosexual after being caught on Italian TV making advances towards another man. Although I myself am catholic my views on homosexuality differ from those of the church and probably from the views that most people have on the subject. My position is in simplest form that homosexuality is not the way people should be but at the same time it is not something to be considered horribly wrong. To arrive at such a conclusion I start out with the concept that all human actions result from some sort of impulse from the brain and all of these impulses fall within an acceptable range. When I say acceptable I don’t mean morally I mean practically, take for instance the fact that if we were all homosexual there would be no humans on this planet, this clearly puts such an impulse outside the acceptable range of brain activity.

The next question we have to ask ourselves is, Why are people gay? No one knows the answer to this question, it could be anything from a form of population control inherently put in our genetic sequence in order to keep numbers to a minimal range to any variety of other reasons. The why people are this way is however not as important as the, What causes them to be this way?

To answer this I will throw out a few options:

Genetic In their genes
Psychological Caused by some life time experience
Choice Actively made life style decision
Pathogen Highly unlikely, barely worth mentioning

Regardless of the reason that people are gay at some point in time in the future the answer will be known and this issue solved with some kind of option for these people. Whether it be genetic reengineering, therapy, or something else their will be an option available if people want to change.

This leads me to my next point, what should be done in regards to homosexuality currently, nothing. No persecutions, no anti-gay laws, no gay marriage, quite simply the issue will be resolved in the next hundred years with advances in the understanding of the human brain and this will all just be considered nothing more than a side note in the history books.


CandiedYams said...

On the most part, I would agree with you. At least, so far as to say that being homosexual shouldn't be that big of a deal. So you're gay, congrats. People need to get over it and realize that homosexuals are people too.

The point where our opinions differ is where you say we shouldn't do anything towards allowing gay marrige. For the most part, the whole arguement is that civil unions don't allow a couple the same rights and opportunities as a marrige does. For instance, if I remember correctly, a married couple doesn't have to testify against each other in court, while a couple joined in a civil union does. Things like this make it unfair and take away rights from a same-sex couple.

I also don't think your "Whether it be genetic reengineering, therapy, or something else their will be an option available if people want to change," is needed. The thing is, most homosexuals don't mind being homosexuals, it is the nontollerant people around them that mind. I doubt any of them would want to change if they had the chance.

I did find your mention of homosexuality being the result of a pathogen though. I had never heard of that and thought it to be a very novel idea. Unlikely yes, but novel none the less.

curlyQ said...

I agree that nothing needs to be done at the moment. They are people and unless they are committing some kind of crime they are just like everyone else. I am Catholic and the bible says you can't be gay, but I have nothing against those people. If they aren't bothering me I have no problem with them. People need to realize the diversity of the world is moving to different categories.