Monday, October 29, 2007


This video is possibly the most underpublicized political news item in the history of this country. It details the largest case of election fraud ever known to exist, involving none other than presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. If you are considering voting for Hillary, or have the same view of her that I do and want something to further validate your opinions, watch this:

I think this goes to show the obvious bias in the mainstream news media that we have today. What amazes me is that Rush Limbaugh, or any of her opponents for that matter, aren't bringing this up to get people to take another look at their support for her.

As for a lack of proof connecting this act of fraud to Hillary, just listen to the tapes! She was clearly aware of everything that was going on, as she was personally involved and aware of everything that was going on. What is even worse, this is really a sad testament against the legal system of the United States, as it is not able to prosecute someone just because of their power.

While I am sure there are two sides to this story, as there are with almost everything, I am really interested to hear what Hillary has to say to defend herself from these allegations. I am sure that if the matter isn't brought up in the primaries, it will certainly come up in the general election, so she had better get thinking fast on how to deal with it. This could really affect who the leader of our country will be in the next four-eight years, and I find it really sad that something like this could be a determining factor, rather than electing someone because of what they believe and will get accomplished in the future.


Lucy in the Sky said...

Wow. I hadn't heard anything about this and watching the video, I agree with you when you say that Hillary was clearly aware of everything that was happening. And like Mr. Paul said, it is amazing how the Clintons are dealing with it...keeping it so quiet that I haven't even heard about it. So, this is still going through California's court? I hope some justice comes out of this case. And I'm sure that this will hurt Hillary's campaign for president a little bit.

CandiedYams said...

Like Lucy above, I have never heard about this at all. The fact that this guy has video evidence of Clinton breaking the law, not to mention 2 eye witnesses on the video itself, should be enough to get her in huge trouble. However, since all politicians seem to be coated in a slippery legal armor, I doubt her credibility will be harmed much.

I never really liked Hillary after she tried to ban violent video games. That was quite a few years ago, and she has done many other things that haven't exactly tickled my fancy. When I heard she was running for President, I wasn't exactly jumping in glee. This whole scandal just adds fuel to my bleh-Clinton fire.

Amelia said...

I really don't like the Clinton's. I feel that they are unstable and dishonest, but that clip proves it. I can't believe that Hillary admitted everything, denied it all, and then continued to ask for support! It's so obviously dishonest. Something that surprises me the most is the fact that the Clintons have so much control over our media and the judicial system. I know that money is important but I had hoped that our government would not be controlled so much by it.
After the recent uproar with Hillary not answering questions, there is no way she's going to get elected into the presidency. Also, she's a woman. I do support women in powerful positions but not in the presidency and not Hillary Clinton!