Monday, October 15, 2007

Affirmative Action Is Not the Way To Go

For those of you who don't know what affirmative action is, here is a brief explanation from Wikipedia: Affirmative action refers to policies intended to promote access to education or employment aimed at a historically socio-politically non-dominant group (typically, minorities or women). In other words, those who believe in affirmative action hire or accept into a certain college a certain amount of minority or female applicants. While I am all for diversity, I believe that affirmative action is unfair to those people that would normally deserve a spot, but are rejected just because of their sex or color of their skin. The whole argument for affirmative action is that it reduces discrimination, but in reality, it creates a new form of discrimination, only it is against the majority.

Richard Sander,a law professor at UCLA recently published the results of a study reporting that black students accepted into the law program because of the school's affirmative action policy are not performing at the same capacity as the other students. "Currently only about one in three African-Americans who goes to an American law school passes the bar on the first attempt and a majority never become lawyers at all," he explained. To read more of the article, visit Fox News.

Much of this effect comes about not because the African-American students don't belong in college. It is that they don't belong to the college that they choose to attend based on its academic credentials. They might be accepted into Harvard because of affirmative action, and not be able to handle the work, but if they would have chosen a school that was a little easier, they could have passed with flying colors. The only thing affirmative action is accomplishing is that it messes up the correct distribution of students when it comes to acadmemic abilities. Students who rightfully deserve to go to a certain school are being rejected because of their skin color. I am not sure who first put this policy into effect, but it is a clear violation of the Constitution, and should be taken out of schools and places of business immediately.

1 comment:

Curiosity said...

I agree with you whole heartedly, and I'm a girl. I never needed anyone's help getting jobs or getting into college and I refuse special treatment just because I'm a girl. All hiring and college acceptance process should be completely blind of race and sex and should only be based on credentials.