Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Hugs=Detention in One Illinois Middle School

Thirteen-year-old Megan Coulter was giving her two friends a goodbye hug just before the weekend at Mascoutah Middle School in Mascoutah, IL when she was slapped with two days of detention, one for each hug. According to her mother, it wasn't even a real hug, just an arm around the shoulder and tight squeeze. "It's hilarious to the point of ridicule," her mother said. "I'm still dumbfounded that she's having to do this."

The school ordinance states, "Displays of affection should not occur on the school campus at any time. It is in poor taste, reflects poor judgment, and brings discredit to the school and to the persons involved." The superintendent is standing by the decision and thinks the punishment is fair. You can read more of the article here.

This is absolutely ridiculous. Are we getting to the point in this nation where we can't show any affection towards one another? I'm not even talking about affection towards a significant other, but to friends and even teachers. If we can't give hugs, then what is next? Shaking hands? Saying hello?

My favorite teacher in high school, on the last day of school before he retired, came around to each person in the class, gave them a big hug, and told us that he loves us. He was the greatest teacher that I ever had, and what about that brings discredit to the school and the persons involved? Nothing. These school administrators need to get their heads out of their butts and realize that these kids are people, just like they are, and they are going to be taught that it isn't okay to show any affection towards anyone at all, and that would be a real shame.

The parents of the student are going to the next school board meeting to ask them to review the policy and more specifically define "public displays of affection," and I hope they succeed, but this shouldn't have been an issue in the first place. People in general need to focus on what is really important in a school, education, and leave what the kids are doing as they are exiting the building alone, so long as they aren't bothering anyone else.


chicken pot guy said...

totally agree man, you hit the nail right on the head.

Curiosity said...

I can see where they come from though. At my high school, the pda situation was horrible. Most hallways had a least three couples making out before class and one time I found a pair of abandoned undies in the girls bathroom.

This, however, is ridiculous. I know that the subject can be grey, but there is definitely a difference between hugging a friend and kissing a boyfriend. I think more hugs would help us be more loving. And how else do you say goodbye to a best friend?