Monday, November 12, 2007

Drivers Licenses for Illegal Immigrants

Recently New York Governor Eliot Spitzer suggested a plan to allow illegal immigrants apply for a driver’s licenses. The theory behind this proposal he said would be to make traffic safer by bringing out those “living in the shadows” and issuing them credentials. Such a suggestion brings up several questions such as: Really? Is this dude serious? Where does he get his crack? (Cause it must be some real good stuff).

Now I am going to try and examine the logic behind this, first off let’s start with the concept that licensing drivers makes sense and leads to safer roadways. Now that seems pretty legitimate however what doesn’t make sense is licensing people who should not even be on the roads in the first place. Illegal immigrants are first and foremost ILLEGAL (as the name implies). When someone without documentation is found in this country they should be arrested, questioned, processed, and then either deported or detained. What if some terrorist is in this country without documentation and wants to plant a bomb in New York, however instead of arresting him the police bring him to driving school.

This country has a process for allowing foreigners to enter this country for tourism, business, studies, working, or permanent citizenship. If a person wants to do anyone of those things then they need to follow the process that is set in place for such action. If you want own a gun, drive a car, operate heavy machinery, work in a government job then you must go through a process first. Just because you feel the process is to hard or takes to long does not give you the right to forge documentation and do the thing you want. It is the same with illegal immigration, processes are in place and they must be followed for the security of this nation, both physical and economical.

1 comment:

CandiedYams said...

The problem that stops most potentially legal immigrants who later come in illegally isn't how long or hard the process is, it is how expensive it is. If you live in poverty in Mexico, one of the best ways to make money and get out of poverty is to come to America. Unfortunately, you can't come to America legally unless you have the cash.

Even if you have the cash, it still seems like more work than it really should be to come to America legally to live and get a job. What are we, a country club?

However, I do agree with you. Currently, these are the laws set place. There is a long expensive process to legally coming here, and whether I agree with it or not doesn't change the fact that it is the law. Without actually changing the law itself, it must be followed, and giving out licenses to people who are here illegally seems very conflicting to me. Its like a convicted criminal coming to the police to see if anyone has returned his lost wallet.