Friday, September 14, 2007

Some SC Prisoners are Pretty in Pink

Sherone Nealous, an inmate at the Allendale Correctional Institution, is suing the state penal system for dressing him in pink clothing because he claims it makes them more likely to be "assaulted" by other inmates. They would look cute though, all tied together on the roadside picking up trash, wouldn't they?The prison is backing its policy, saying the pink outfit prevents criminals from wanting to come back. Another correctional facility in Mason County, Texas puts all of its criminals in pink, and has seen a 68% reduction in crime. You can read more about the South Carolina story here.

My opinion: This is a good, if not great idea. We need to put all prisoners everywhere in pink. What a deterrent that would be! If it stops that much crime, think of all the lives that would be saved, all of the families it would keep intact. People would have second thoughts everyone would have before doing anything illegal. If something this small can be done to produce this big of an effect, it needs to be enacted immediately. I may just write my Congressman now.

1 comment:

Amelia said...

I never would have thought that I would read a post about pink prisoners. I can't believe that it actually decreases the crime rate. Are guys really that affected when they are forced to wear pink clothes?
Seriously though, if the prison is so concerned about keeping prisoners from coming back, why don't they get rid of the cable tv, three good meals a day, and any other luxuries. They could live without it. I don't even have cable.
Just a thought.