Thursday, September 6, 2007

My Blog

CandiedYams here. As I'm sure you will soon realize my blog will not be your average political blog. On my blog you won't find boring stuff you could find on the news, or discussions aimed towards converting you to one political party or the other. In fact, I'm not a huge fan of political parties to begin with, but I'll save that for a different post (I bet you can't wait already eh?). Here's what you will be seeing on my blog:
  • A unique outlook on stuff you experience everyday in the world... of politics. I belong to a very unique political group; me. If I really had to describe my views on politics, I'd be a Moderate with Extreme views that leans towards a more Libertarian way of running things. I'm also don't like talking on and on about theory and stuff we could have done differently. I'm a here and now kinda guy.

  • My opinion, in all of its bluntly-in-your-face glory. I won't hold punches when I feel strongly about something, and I don't expect you to agree with me some, if not all, of the time. In fact, I'm really hoping you disagree and get slightly aggravated about it; otherwise you would just get bored and go read the comedy blog.

So stay a while and listen, you might just learn something or see something in a different light than before. At the very least I hope you will be moderately entertained, otherwise I'm just wasting your time.

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