Thursday, September 6, 2007

Primary Frenzy

The big news to hit the presidential election in the past week (aside from the debate) is Fred Thompson's formal announcement that he is entering the race. He made the announcement Wednesday night on the "Tonight Show with Jay Leno." Thompson, a former U.S. Senator from Tennessee and former actor on "Law and Order," hopes he can now play the role of Ronald Reagan, a conservative actor-turned-politician who won the hearts of Americans on both sides of the political spectrum with his charm and political savvy. But the question everyone is asking, why enter so late? What is the strategy of waiting until now to enter the race when many have already decided on a candidate. Thompson didn't even participate in Wednesday's debate. When all the other candidates are informing voters of their beliefs, Thompson is sitting at home with his popcorn watching them fight with each other.

But maybe he is smart, or at least has an idea of what he is doing. I mean he already has a strong showing in the polls (16.8% according to Fox News), and most people don't know more about him than what he has shown through his character on Law and Order. Why screw that up? Well, the next few months are going to be do or die for him. Is he going to live up to the expectations, or is he going to flop when he finally opens his mouth in front of a live global audience. I guess we will just have to wait and see.

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